Baja Pizzafish

Well, things seem real hopeful to start with. The pizza dough is not made with soybean oil. They create the pizza dough and grill the meat with olive oil. They do fry in soybean oil so tortilla chips are out. Also the flour tortillas have soy in them.

Patrick, the extremely helpful manager said that as long as we avoided the grilled mushrooms and grilled onions (which are grilled in margarine) we should be fine.

We were all happy about finding another pizza place that our son could eat at (so far it’s only Bob’s Pizza, until it all came crashing down. The aforementioned grilled onions are one of the ingredients in their pizza sauce. That left us with a garlic pesto sauce that has pine nuts, which then gets us into other sketchy territory due to his nut allergies.

Fortunately, the aforementioned extremely helpful manager came to the rescue and he is in the midst of whipping up some special reserve pizza sauce without the aforementioned grilled onions. What a dude! 🙂

So, we’re looking at a pizza with the special sauce, and, hurray, he can have the guacamole. (We’ve got to bring our own chips — fortunately, we’ve got pretzels in the van, so he’ll be able to partake of the guacamole tonight).

Another minor snag. All of their meats are grilled in a seasoning that has soy lecithin in it. Patrick says to just let them know when we order to not use that seasoning. With that little alteration, all of the meats and also all of the cheeses and are okay for them to eat.

Baja Pizzafish
6174 Promler Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720
330-497-BAJA (2252)

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